Educational Green Turtle Factsheets — Lead magnet

Authored by Dr Kelly Wade, these Green Turtle factsheets form a series of educational materials that highlight the importance of green turtles to our marine ecosystems and the environmental threats they face. These factsheets serve as a powerful tool for raising awareness among young audiences about marine conservation, specifically focusing on the endangered green turtle species. They’re also a valuable tool for teachers always on the hunt for high quality resources.

The factsheets are designed to be engaging and informative, using accessible language and vivid imagery to communicate complex environmental issues. Each factsheet covers a unique aspect of green turtle life, from their role in the ecosystem to the dangers posed by plastic pollution and climate change.

Why it’s special

  • Educational and accessible: The factsheets break down complex environmental issues into understandable concepts (even for young children), making them suitable for educational purposes and broader public awareness campaigns.
  • Visually appealing: Each factsheet is paired with vibrant illustrations and clear, easy-to-read infographics, enhancing the learning experience.
  • Call to action: The factsheets encourage readers, especially younger audiences, to take action in protecting green turtles through simple, practical steps they can implement in their daily lives.

Things to know

  • Content type: Lead magnets
  • Audience type: B2C, B2E
  • Industry: Environmental Science, Marine Conservation, Education

Do you want a strategic marketing asset or educational resource like this?

Whether you’re looking to educate your audience, raise awareness about a cause that’s close to your heart, or provide immense value to your audience in exchange for their contact details, K. M. Wade can craft compelling factsheets, articles, and other content that captures attention and inspires action.